Food, glorious food
Just what you relish
It’s amazing what a few pets can do to change your life. Many years ago our dog Fergus and our daughter’s dog Tia discovered that the blood and bone fertiliser that I had sprinkled under the tomatoes was very tasty. So much so that they proceeded, with the assistance of Muffin the Labrador, to dig up all the roots in search of whatever it was that they concluded must have been buried deep below the soil.
Some days later the vines, still attached to the trellis, started to wilt. That’s when we realised the extent of their canine excavation. With kilos of tomatoes all readying themselves to ripen, we embarked on creating a recipe that honoured that moment and Two Black Dogs Tomato Relish was born.
With its success we expanded our selection of tomato relishes and began searching the central west for the best of local produce. If possible we use our own produce, such as our lemons and figs, to create food with flavour and integrity.